I hope you and yours are having/had a delightful celebration of Thanks today. On this last day of 21 Days of Gratitude, I'd like to take a moment to answer the list of things to be thankful for on Inspired By Family's introduction post. Lots of stuff on there to be thankful for so here we go!
1. A friend: this was hard because I'm thankful for all of my friends old and new, near and far, but I'm so very thankful for my friend Kate. We are so blessed to have met your sweet family and I'm so grateful for your friendship and family. Thank you for being willing to send Dustin to Wal-Mart at 2am for me (I promise I'll call next time!) and for being our back up to our back up when Sprout was born. You have no idea how grateful I am that you all took care of Sweet P while we welcomed Sprout into our lives. Thank you.
2. Physical Health: I'm so grateful for my health and that of my children. Even though we've battled a variety of illnesses since Sprout was born, we are an all around healthy family.
3. A Family Member: Just one?! Argh. I'm going to go ahead and pick Auntie Rosita and TK (and mom you get a spot at the end).
Auntie Rosita: We talk almost every single day (usually multiple times a day) and I can honestly say she is my confidante, my counselor, my big sister and my biggest fan (I'm hers too!). It helps me immensely knowing she's praying for me and cheering me along each day. I'm so thankful for her and the words she sends/says to me on a daily basis. RoRo is my twin who just happened to be born 5 years before me.
TK: I'm so grateful for TK and all she's taught me (even though she's 9 years younger!). What that girl wants, she gets! I've always looked up to her despite the fact she's the baby and I admire the way she sets something in her sights and achieves it. TK is a natural with kids, including mine and she has found her calling in teaching. I'm so grateful for her and all she's doing to help educate our future.
4. A Teacher: I'd have to say Mrs. Luck from 3rd grade. She very much instilled a love of learning and reading in me, and I'm so grateful for that.
5. A Time of Day: 6am-7am - it's my quiet time with God and has quickly become the most important part of my day. It allows me to gather my thoughts, be with my Father and pray for others before I hit the ground running each day.
6. An emotion: Joy. It's my favorite emotion and my middle name. There's something fascinating about Joy. It's happiness sprinkled with excitement, love and delight. It's holding your newborn baby, kissing your groom, visiting loved ones, dancing around the room.
7. A Freedom you have: Staying home with my kids. I'm so grateful that I have that privilege.
8. A Skill/Talent you possess: Cooking. I'm beyond grateful that I can cook and bake and prepare meals that don't taste like cardboard!
9. Co-worker/classmate: Hmmm, I'm going to say the Farmer since he's the closest co-worker I've got. I'm so thankful for my helpmate and all he does to help me power through parenting. I couldn't have asked for a better partner to grow old with.
10. A restaurant: We don't eat out much these days, but I suppose if I had to choose it would be Gateway Market. I absolutely love that place and grateful they have a healthy selection of food.
11. Physical Activity you can do: I'm grateful that I can walk, run and jump with my kids. I'm also thankful I can dance and wish I did it more often.
12. An experience you had: I'm so thankful for the events that led me to move back to my hometown. It wasn't a good experience, but it led me to the Farmer and for that, I'll be eternally grateful.
13. Something in your room: My comfy bed. I'm so grateful that I have a bed and blankets to sleep on when so many in the world do not.
14. Something in your kitchen: My kitchen table. A lot of creation, love and inspiration happens there. It's messy on a daily basis, but I'm so grateful that we have one.
15. Something in your home: My family. Anything else is just material and can be replaced. So grateful for the 3 loves of my life.
16. A gift you received: This is silly, but TK's iPhone. I don't use it as a phone, but I use it to capture pictures and video that I wasn't able to do before without lugging around my big camera. I love the moments I get to save!
17. A defeat that made you stronger: Losing out as Class President my senior year of high school changed my entire life, and honestly I'm grateful for that.
18. The one thing you can't part with: A pair of jeans I've had since college. I haven't worn them in years, but I can't bring myself to give them away!
19. An animal: Hmm, this is tough. I'm grateful for our old cat Grayson. He died when I was in high school, but he was such an important part of our lives.
20. A trait the person you're closest to possesses: Strength. She doesn't think so, but she's got strength to move mountains. And I'm so grateful for her strength because it's powered me through so many difficult situations and it's what keeps her going each day.
21. Creation, nature: I'm SO grateful for the unobstructed view across the street from our house. Seeing the trees, the flowers, the leaves, the sunrise, it all reminds me of how awesome our God is.
22. A book that has been meaningful in your life: Hands down, the Bible.
23. The one thing you love most about you: Hmmm, I'm grateful that I can fall asleep anywhere! I'm also grateful that I don't currently have trouble sleeping.
24. My mom and dad: I'm so grateful for my parents. Thanks for bringing me into the world!
My mom is one of the strongest people I know and is also one of the stubbornest! She has done so many great things and I'm extremely proud of her. I'm grateful for her honesty, her giving us the freedom and room to fly, and for her going to bat for me at least 100 times in my life.
Dad thanks for all your hard work and discipline. As weird as that might sound, I'm grateful that we had rules and structure growing up. Thanks for all you do for my kiddos.
Did you participate in the 21 Days of Gratitude? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your families and remember to tell them you love them.