I'm so excited to share some information about this amazing nursing pillow from Bright Starts. I received the Comfort & Harmony Mombo Nursing Pillow and Infant Positioner in Pinehurst when Sprout was a teeny tiny baby and have loved the versatility of this pillow.

I used in place of our other nursing pillow once I received it and immediately fell in love with the fact that it has 2 sides.
- Soft Side: For Lounging
- The fabric is SUPER soft and baby fits perfectly snuggled onto the Mombo.
- Firm Side: For Feeding
- The soft side lays on top of your legs while the firm side offers back support and allows you to rest your arms on top while nursing your baby.
The other feature not present in any other nursing pillow is the vibrating disc inside the pillow. It's activated by a button and gently vibrates baby when he's lounging! I loved this option, however, Sprout did not! He wasn't a fan of any type of vibrating chair, though, so I do not fault the pillow! Sweet P, however, loved it and used it as a vibrating pillow! She was fascinated by it!
As Sprout grew, we began using the Mombo for tummy time. It allowed Sprout to look up and out, which helped him enjoy tummy time a bit more than he did when he wasn't on the Mombo. He also loved feeling the fabric, which I'll say again is SO soft!
The pillow was also great once Sprout learned to sit-up. Sitting him up inside the hole while he played helped him develop the muscles necessary to prevent him from falling backward.
And perhaps the Farmer's favorite use was as a neck pillow! He loves that thing and loves to lay on it when we play in the living room.
- Purchase one of your own! Comfort & Harmony Mombo Deluxe Nursing Pillows are sold exclusively at ToysRUs. The pillows range from $39.99-$49.99 and covers are sold for $12.99-$25.99.
FTC Disclosure: I received this product free of charge from Bright Starts in order to conduct an honest review. I was not compensated in any other manner to review this product. The thoughts and opinions in this post are my own and may differ from other users of this product. I am not liable for any issues that may occur from use of this nursing pillow. Photos and images in this post are owned by me or provided by Bright Starts.