We bought wipes for quite awhile and then one day while dawdling in Trader Joe's, I picked up tea tree oil and brought it home. It stayed in the toiletry closet for a month before I finally said, "Ok! It's time to make a batch of wipes." (Or maybe because we were out of wipes and I didn't want to buy more).
The Recipe: DIY Baby Wipes
What you need:
1 roll of absorbent paper towels
2-4 cups of water
2 tbsp shampoo/soap
1 tbsp coconut oil
5 drops of tea tree oil
Cut the roll of paper towels in half so that you have 2 rolls that are about the size of a roll of toilet paper. A sharp knife helps, but it takes some elbow grease! Place one of the halves in a tall container (ours is from Target) and the other in a baggy for your next batch.
Boil 2 cups of water for 2 minutes. Add 2 tbsp of shampoo, 1 tbsp coconut oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Whisk until combined (may get a bit soapy). Pour mixture on top of paper towels and close lid. Allow the paper towels to soak up the mixture for 30 mins, then turn the container over. Store in a cool, dry place.
*You may have to add more water depending on the absorbency of your paper towels. Remember to boil it first.
**The tea tree oil should work as a disinfectant and keep the wipes from molding (yep. they might.) We haven't had a problem with ours, yet (and it's been WAY humid).
***If you have trouble with the wipes molding you can store them in the fridge. Sweet P didn't mind the coolness of the wipes, but other kids might!
I also take ours on the go in an old wipes' package or you can place them in a baggy.
Did you try this recipe? How did it go?
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