Another Healthier Gingerbread House

Last year we made these gingerbread houses (er, huts) and I knew I wanted to do something similar with Sweet P again this year. Since my attempt to make a house didn't go so well with natural peanut butter, I knew it'd completely fail with almond butter so I decided we'd skip 3 dimensional and make a flat gingerbread house. It worked great!

Here's what we used:
Trader Joe's Cinnamon Graham Crackers
Shaved coconut
Pumpkin seeds
Trader Joe's strawberry fruit bar
Almond butter

I simply arranged the graham crackers so that it resembled a house, stuck it all together with almond butter and handed it over to her. Oh, I also cut the door and chimney pieces for her.

At one point I tried to make a peanut a doorknob. She said, "I don't want a doorknob." Okiedokie. 

She had a ball making it and wanted to eat it right away, but I convinced her to save it to show the Farmer (he was coming home in 5 mins). She was so excited that she was yelling at him through the door when she saw him in the window. Too funny. Maybe next year we'll attempt another 3 dimensional version.