Sweet P is 30.5 mos old
The week of Letter J was our first week without any visitors (isn't that crazy?!). We have a super awesome family and they all came to see us during the month of October (and Auntie K came during Letter K...I'm a bit behind). We had a great time with Letter J and will do more of it during the month of December for the birth of Jesus.
Verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Bible Figures: Jonah and Joseph (Jacob's son)
Dotting Upper and Lowercase Letters: I made these (obviously!) for her to dot individual letters and practice listening and following directions.
J maze from Shannon's Tot School: These are for fun, but she did a good job dotting just the J's! She doesn't go in order of the maze, yet.
Letter J collage: Pink letter J with magazine cut outs and stickers of items starting with letter J. We had lots of Jesus stickers for her to put on this that she was pretty excited about!
Turkey: The Farmer brought home a turkey from work for her to color and she loved it! She wanted to color it for several days in a row.
J is for Jam from A Heart for a Home: She did this with dot markers this week and did great at following directions (numbered coloring).
COAH's J is for Jesus coloring page: She traced the letters on the top and then colored the manger scene. We practiced more with following directions by me telling her "Color Mary's dress blue", etc.
DLTK's J is for Jug: She wanted to use regular markers instead of dot markers for this so she colored in the dots with lines. Sweet P LOVES to color!
Joseph's Coat: See link for details.
Pouring Jingle bells: She LOVES pouring and loves jingle bells so this was the perfect activity for letter J.
Shaving cream: We played with and traced letter J in shaving cream! She loves this sensory activity!
Pouring and using a dropper: One night while I was making dinner, Sweet P poured water and used a dropper to transfer water back and forth between the two cups.
Thankful Turkey: See link for details.
Jonah and the Whale: I made Jonah and the whale out of foam and we acted out the story several times that week. I drew a surprised face on one side of Jonah and a happy face for when the whale spit him out!
Circo Alphabet puzzle
Melissa & Doug Dress-up Bear: Great for teaching emotions!

Fall Sensory Bucket
Other Activities:
Snow Play!: See post for details
Playing on the playmat with Baby Brother!