Sweet P is 29.5 mos old
Getting behind on these letters! So I'm going to try and pump these 3 out!
Auntie RoRo was here for all of Letter F and did a few activities with Sweet P while we were in the hospital. We watch videos in the morning while Sweet P eats breakfast. We watch letter videos from Kids123TV. Some of them are good and some I could do without, but she likes them and they are catchy.
Bible Verse: Every good and perfect gift is from above. ~James 1:17
We slacked on our bible stories the week we got home from the hospital so I don't have a bible story from this week.
Letter F Fish: This doesn't quite look like a fish, but pretend anyway. Sweet P was sitting across from me so I didn't realize the F was backwards until I went to hang it up. Oh well! She had fun anyway.
COAH's doadot F: Once again we used smiley face stickers for letter F.
F tracing: I can't remember where I got this page. I've had it for awhile and it's been recycled since I took this picture, but she did a pretty good job with the tracing! She also colored each of the pictures one color (as you can see at the bottom).
F is for Firetruck from A Heart for a Home: These are lowercase letters and Sweet P really did a great job with coloring the numbered portions the right color.
DLTK's doadot F: She always does a good job with dotting these in different colors.
F Collage: We had lots of F stuff this week and tons of flower stickers to put on her collage.
Paper Plate Frog: Auntie RoRo found this idea in a video about 5 Little Speckled Frogs. It turned out so cute! (This was done while we were in the hospital).
Other activities:
Cutting/Tearing/Sorting: This started out as a sorting game with pony beads and star stickers on a strip of card stock (the card stock is what is ripped up). She wasn't super excited about the sorting, but after I showed her a few, she finished the last couple. After that, she ripped each star off the strip and then wanted to use her scissors so this turned into a fun little activity! She also poured pony beads in and out of her two pitchers.
Letter F puzzles: We have a set of these puzzles and I pulled out the 2 that started with letter F (fox and frog). She does great with these and usually wants to do more.
Animal magnets and letters:
"Food" puzzle: She loves this puzzle with the baker on it.
Monster "Face": Auntie RoRo brought this for Sweet P and she had so much fun putting on his face several times. I taped a magnet to the back (our doors are metal) so she could hang it up and the stickers are removable. We updated it this week during H week as well!
Upstairs Shelves:
Melissa & Doug Farm Animal Puzzle

Melissa & Doug Hide n Seek Barn: I couldn't find this online, I found it at a consignment sale last year and Sweet P loves it.
We added to other wooden puzzles when Gammie got into town that she found at Goodwill.
Melissa & Doug Cutting Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Vegetable Puzzle from The Iowa Machine Shed: I need to take a picture of this, but this is a really neat puzzle Gammie bought Sweet P when she was here over the summer. It is fruits and veggies that pop out.
We read several library books that started with F during this week and Sweet P and I went to story time while Auntie RoRo stayed home with Baby Brother.