Our goal this summer was to sell our produce at a Farmer's Market and I'm excited to say we finally did on Saturday at the Indianola Farmer's Market! It's a small market (perfect for the amount we had) and very low frills. We knew the Des Moines Farmer's Market was WAY out of our league and since the farm is in Indianola it made the most sense to do it there.

The Farmer got up bright and early and woke this tired mama to draw on our chalkboard sign. Sadly the sign had some sort of oil in the wood and the words disappeared before he got there! Sad, but true. He tried to fix it, but it just wasn't happening. He set out early to get some supplies from the farm while I waited for Sweet P to wake up.

It was SO much fun and while I worried about Sweet P, she had a great time. The booth next to us sold shabby chic stuff and some children's books so we bought a few from her (and she let Sweet P bring over a child's rocking chair to sit in) and she read, snacked and played most of the time. The Farmer and I took turns taking her for walks to see the other booths. Anyway, here's what we sold!

Yellow watermelon, red watermelon, 2 different varieties of pumpkins (none of these sold, but most people said it's too early for pumpkins), poblano peppers, jalapenos, fish peppers, acorn squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash, fingerling potatoes, garlic and chocolate bell peppers.

Our best sellers were the garlic and winter squashes, and we're hoping to head back up in 2 weeks (the Farmer is busy next weekend). We can't wait to do it again and if you're in Indianola on a Saturday morning, come see us!