We've been working on letter W this week, which is fun since our last name starts with W. Here are a few of the activities we did and books we read.
Dot Letter W: We used Confessions of a Homeschoolers Do a Dot page for letter W. We later recycled this piece of paper for our rice W.
We also used COH's W trace page and watermelon magnet page (I don't have pictures of these activities).
Watermelon Size Sort: (also from COH) She's really good at this, but she was also really not into it when we did it. We'll try it again another day and see what she thinks.
Rice W: I got the idea for rice craft projects from my friend Christy and tried it out with the letter W. Like I said we recycled our dot page so we didn't have to use a new sheet of paper and she LOVED this project. Can't wait to do more rice projects with her!
Letter W collage: We did this for letter B during her birthday and it was a hit so we tried it again (the Farmer helped cut out pictures from magazines!) and she really likes to stick the pictures down and say the words. She had her scissors and was helping cut magazines as well! We found a lot of fun W words like wagon, waterfall, watermelon, wire, wheelbarrow and Owen Wilson (guess who cut him out?)!
W stamping: I found these (after seeing them at my friend Christy's house) at Wal-Mart for $3.97!
A much better price than the Melissa & Doug stamps I considered. I freehanded the whale (isn't it a beaut?) because I wasn't in the mood to print anything that day and gave it to her and set her to stamping. The W only lasted a few minutes until she decided she reeeally wanted the smiley face. She had a good time with this.
And last but not least our W is for Whale project: I found this idea here while searching for W craft ideas on the web. She was really not interested in coloring the whale and was bored after one side. We finished coloring him and she LOVED stuffing in the plastic bags. Find out more about how to make the Whale in tomorrow's post.
Books from this week:
I Went Walking by Sue Williams
Sweet P and the Farmer when they went walking!
Waking Up Wendell by April Stevens
My "w" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure (this is a different version than the one we got from the library, but the concept is the same.)

What Do We Do with the Baby? by Rick Walton (Gammie brought her this book and it's a good way to help prepare her for the baby.)