In other news: I got the Nikon back on Wednesday! Whoopie!
Here's what our week looked like:

LeapFrog Fridge Farm: Sweet P has finally gotten the hang of this and matches the animals! A few weeks ago she just ran around pushing the chicken on top that plays a variety of songs.
Painting: This is the only evidence I can give you of our painting escapade! I'd post a better photo, but the items she's painting are gifts for Gammie and Nana and they both read our blog!
Sensory bucket: Same bucket as last week, but this week we got to play with it in our basement! I added some disco ball ornaments that broke from the loop you hang them with and some washed laundry scoops.
Wooden snowman: This guy was her advent gift on Wednesday (he was a $1 at Joann's fabrics) and she is too hilarious with it. She thinks it's funnier when you hold it up and refuses to hold him up to her face now! Before we colored him, she gave him different colored eyes using pompons.
Stickers! Another advent gift (from Auntie RoRo). I wrapped an empty kleenex box w/ wrapping paper scraps and let her go to town.
A mighty humble Bumble: The Farmer got this as a stocking gift one year and I found it while digging for some tape the other day. I showed it to Sweet P and she made the little growl she does when she sees his ornament on the tree and we took him upstairs. The packaging says it takes up to 10 days!!!! to fully grow so he's still in that cup of water!
Naming ornaments: She loves to walk around the tree and tell me the names of each ornament. It's too cute and she's usually pretty gentle!
Gingerbread houses: Our friend K came over and made gingerbread houses with us on Thursday!
Water fun! We've spent a lot of time in a steamy bathroom this week trying to ease Sweet P's congestion so Friday morning she climbed up on her potty/stool and went to town in the sink. We've never done this before and I think she would have stayed there all day!
We also got to play outside a little bit this week! Daddy took her out while I was working and they had a blast. Good thing we played outside while we could, since there's a blizzard watch now!
And with that blizzard watch...we had our first actual snow! I ran out and put some in a bucket for her to play with. She kept saying, "Snoooowww!!!" And I think was a little confused when it melted.
Books this week:
Play and Learn ABC book: Roger Priddy (This is a great book and Sweet P has learned the words Yawn and Umbrella from reading it!)
Peek a Boo What?: Begin Smart Books
If You Give books: Laura Joffe Numeroff--Gammie got all of these for Sweet P last year and they are such great books. If you haven't read them, you should definitely check them out.
If You Give a Pig a Party (Sweet P's favorite because of the balloons)
What a great week and despite her sickness, quite busy running around town! How was your week?