I love this girl. She lights up my life and makes me smile without even having to try. I love her voice and her little hands, her kisses and sweet hugs.
Her vocabulary is really starting to explode these days. We taught her to say Happy Birthday today (it was the Farmer's grandpa's bday, but of course, she didn't say Happy Birthday to him on cue) and while reading a book, she pointed to a man with a white beard and said, Jesus! (Everyone with a beard is Jesus). I told her it was Noah and could she say it and she did! I know pretty soon she'll be talking non-stop, but new words and phrases make my day. Her first sentence was "I don't know!" And it's my absolute fav!
Her 2nd cousin Ella visited this weekend and when she got here, Sweet P ran around after her saying "Eya! Eya! Eya!" Love! She, of course, also took Ella's blankie and Elmo book, but sweet Ella was kind enough to share. Thanks, Ella!
I love to watch her little brain soak up information every day. My sweet little girl and me.