Flash cards by Rosita Designs
Let's just call this post what it is. A chance to brag about Auntie Rosita. As I'm sure you know by now, Auntie Rosita has her own design business...Rosita Designs. She makes all sorts of awesome stuff like Christmas cards (what?! you haven't started thinking of yours!?), wedding invitations (and all that comes with it), birthday invitations, party invites and all sorts of other paper goods. BUT! she doesn't stop there. She also makes super cute canvases of animals or words or whatever you want!, name frames, fun hair clips and pins, necklaces and flash cards. And if you're wondering who made my super cute banner and button? Yep, Auntie Rosita. Really, the girl's talents are endless.
So how can you get your (insert desired item from list above)? It's easy really. Just click on her website here:
Rosita Designs and shoot her an email about what you're looking for. And as always, I'm not just saying she's awesome cuz she's my sister. She really is awesome.