Going Green Tip of the Day: Nix Processed Foods
Again, this tip falls in the Health category as well. I know that in the fast pace of life processed foods are sometimes the easy out. But think of how well you'd be treating your body and the environment if you stopped eating processed, packaged foods. An apple is much less waste than a granola bar that comes wrapped in foil packaging in a cardboard box. In fact, if you composted your apple you'd have no waste at all! (More on composting in another post). And I don't even need to tell you how much healthier an apple is than whatever it is they put in granola bars. So for today, ditch the processed foods and go for something natural (like a piece of fruit or stick veggies).
This is a tough one because virtually everything we eat (besides produce) comes in some sort of packaging. Avoid buying items that are frivolously packaged (like individually wrapped prunes, really? is that necessary?) and try to pick fresh food when possible. Buy choosing fresh you are working towards a healthier you and a healthier planet. So next time you're at the supermarket, take a look at what processed packaged food you buy and try to nix at least one. And before you purchase a certain brand check out whether it will be easy to recycle. What have we nixed lately? The Farmer and I have nixed cereal. Yep, that's right. Cereal. I'll tell you more about that in the Health Challenge next month.