Going Green Tip of the Day: DIY Cleaning Products
Making your own cleaning products is easy and inexpensive! Most of what you need you probably already have in your kitchen. This may not be new for a lot of people, but if you know about it and don't do it...you should! What you need:
Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Lemon Juice (optional)
I clean my kitchen (my sink cleans up fabulous!) with this including the kitchen floor! All I do is sprinkle baking soda where I want to clean, drizzle white vinegar (and lemon juice if I'm using it) on top and let it fizz. After sitting for 2-3 minutes, use a wet or dry cloth and scrub a dub dub! The one downfall is that you may have to go over it again with another cloth to make sure you cleaned up all the baking soda. It can get gritty. My challenge is to start using this in the restrooms. Are you up for the challenge? Remember it's easy and inexpensive!