Thank you to Auntie Rosita for my adorable Going Green icon! Isn't that environmentally friendly girl the cutest? Does being environmentally friendly make you more attractive? Hmmm, maybe!
Going Green Tip of the Day: BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag)
I struggle with this. Why? Because I'm a mom and forget where my brain is half the time. Usually, I'm in the store at the checkout counter watching them put my groceries in bag after bag after bag before I realize my canvas bags are at home. So here's where the challenge comes in. I challenge you (and myself) to put the bags in the car (it's a start) and write GET BAGS! on your grocery list. That way when you look at your list, even if you're already inside, you'll remember the bags (and run out to get them!). A lot of stores will give you a discount for BYOBing. Target takes 5¢ off your purchase for each bag of your own you use. It may not seem like a lot, but it'll add up over time.
Plus, you're helping the environment by limiting the plastic bags. If you're offered a choice (paper or plastic?) I'd choose paper. While both paper or plastic use about the same amount of energy, paper is sturdier when you reuse the bag and recycled quickly (so you can throw them in with your mixed paper). If you forget your bags and your only option is plastic...either recycle them by taking them back to the store or reuse them at home (as trash liners, lunch bags, compost bags, the possibilities are endless!
Don't pretend you don't know where to get your own canvas bags. Almost every store carries them (usually near the checkout) and you can buy them for 99¢ most places. You can also buy larger bags or produce bags from this site.
So add this tip to your recycling paper/cardboard. I'm going to put my bags in my car right now! Do you already use your own bags? Let me know what types you use.