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The Great Pumpkin

On Monday night, the Farmer and I took Sweet P to a Halloween event at a local church.
She wore her Tiger costume (and if one more person called her Tigger I was going to scream) and I put a red bow on the ear so people would know she was a girl. That, however, did not stop the photographer at the photo booth from saying,
"Can he sit up by himself?"
To which the Farmer replied, "SHE can sit up by herself, yes." So he plopped her down on a bale of hay of which she promptly grabbed a handful and stuffed in her mouth.
Why is it that the words never come out fast enough when you're in a situation like that? Here I am as a bystander while the Farmer is sitting next to her and I can't get the words out. But I eventually did and we got the hay out, too. I know babies like putting stuff in their mouths, but ours is sometimes a bit overboard.
They had a lot of made up games downstairs (like throw the ball in the bucket), but also had a battle of Guitar Hero where two kids about the age of 5 were going at it (and one was a girl). We got a kick out of watching kids and looking at the costumes. It was VERY apparent who got to pick out their costume and who had to wear what mom and dad said to wear. Like the kid dressed as this:

Funny costume? Absolutely. But the Farmer said, "Did you see the look on his face? You know he's looking around at all the kids dressed as Transformers and thinking, 'Man, why am wearing this?'"
We wanted to see if it was worth bringing her to again and we probably will. Our one complaint though?
They weren't giving out enough candy to the adults.
The Pelican State
In case I haven't mentioned it before, I have an Awesome husband. That's right, awesome with a capital A.
So Awesome that he allowed me to once again whisk Sweet P away on a trip to visit my family. Destination? The Pelican State, otherwise known as Louisiana. (Don't worry, I had to look up the nickname too and I must say, it's a little silly.) Two of Sweet P's favorite people live in Louisiana (Auntie Kandida and her Godmother, Maria). And 2 of her other favorite people (Auntie Rosita and Gammie (we're testing the spelling of Gammy)) came to visit as well.
This was Sweet P's 3rd time to fly! She is quite the jet-setter! And she did great! I'm frowning as I type remembering all the people who passed by the 2 empty seats next to us just because Sweet P is a baby. We don't really mind it though, because then we get to sit next to people who reeeally want to sit by us. Grandmas!!!
On Saturday (in a tiger costume, Sweet P--not me), we went to watch Auntie Kandida swim her heart out against Tennessee. Sadly, the Lady Tigers did not win the meet; but Auntie K did great! I liked this trip because my arms got a rest from Sweet P's 20 lbs of sweetness. With all those Aunties and Gammie, I only held her when she was hungry! After the meet we tried to get a picture with Mike the Tiger, but he was sleeping (and who really wants to wake a live tiger?).
Monday afternoon we went to New Orleans to see Auntie M's house! And had yummy beignets in the French quarter. Yum!
As a seasoned traveler, Sweet P would like to leave you with a few tips. When traveling with an infant (and by yourself), bring as little as possible. This makes it easy to go to restroom, leave the plane, walk around, etc. in the airport/airplane.
I take a diaper bag (with plenty of diapers), a few toys, my wallet, cell phone and a sling for Sweet P. And the tiny changing station in the tiny airplane bathrooms really aren't that bad. I'd say only use them in emergency (poop) situations. Unfortunately, the air pressure does something to Sweet P so we've used them twice.
We had a great time with the Aunties and Gammie, but we were both ready to get home to see that Awesome daddy/husband of ours. Click on over to the Farmer's blog to see what he was up to while we were gone.
Sleeping Beauty
So here I am sitting on the floor while Sweet P is sleeping in her car seat near the front door and hear what I think is the neighbors loud T.V. blaring up from the floor underneath me. As I get in position to pound on the floor as I normally do (they have no idea I'm trying to communicate that they need to turn it down, but it's worth a try right?), I decide to listen a little closer. I realize that the sound is not a muffled talking voice coming from underneath me, but from the little person sleeping 10 feet away. It is Sweet P. Snoring. I had to laugh out loud a little bit (and lower my foot from it's "pound the floor" position).
Sweet P is a bit tuckered out today. This is due to the fact that she has slept in her "big girl" bed the past 2 nights. The first night (fluke) went great. Last night. Not so great (but still progress). She woke up as soon as the Farmer and I came to bed, like, "Hey ya'll! Is it bedtime for you guys? Oh then I guess it's time for me to get up." But I got her back to sleep fairly quickly and was woken up by the Farmer getting out of bed at around 1:45am. What woke him? Our daughter's scratching. The child loves to scratch the mattress while she sleeps. He was dreaming about styrofoam scraping together and couldn't take it anymore so he got up to rock her back to sleep. When she woke up at 6:30am, I put her in bed with me until 8am. And yes, I sleep until 8am. Don't judge.
So here she is napping away because after all that waking up, I'd be tired, too. But she's doing it. She's sleeping in her crib. Now if we could just move the Farmer and I back into our own bedroom from the guest room, we'd be set.
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
What? What's that? Too early for Christmas carols? Hardly. It's never too early. In fact, I think it's about time to bust out The Grinch, one of my favorite Christmas movies. The cartoon or the Jim Carey version.
Why this talk of Christmas? Well, one thing that reminds me of Christmas is snow. This is probably because I am from New Mexico and if it ever does snow in the southeastern region of the state--it's probably around Christmas.
Not so in Iowa. In Iowa, it can be October 10th and you can wake up to a blanket of snow. Or you can wake up and snuggle even further down into your own blanket with your baby--which is of course what I did. The Farmer, however, had to get up and go coach a soccer game. Poor guy. And poor U13 girls who had to play soccer in that weather. I shudder to think of the day Sweet P plays an organized sport and I have to stand in 30 degree weather (or less) and yell, "Gooooo Sweet P!" from the sidelines in 30 layers of clothing, including cuddle duds (long underwear for you southerners), a long-sleeved t-shirt, a fleece and a giant jacket. As well as a scarf and some gloves and a hat.
October is soooo not the time for all of that. Please, Iowa. Please can you just wait another month? The hibernating bear in me wanted to stay holed up in my house all day snuggled up with Sweet P, but alas, people in Iowa do not hibernate when it snows. In fact, I think there were MORE people out and about because it snowed.
So after a cold and chilly morning and a grocery store trip, Sweet P and I went shopping! We were on a mission to find bedding for Sweet P's new bed! You heard it, Sweet P got a new bed! The poor kid is getting too big for her co-sleeper and can hardly stretch out. We got her a Delta Serenity 4 in 1 crib. It had rave reviews on Target.com and it was super easy to put together. The Farmer and I had it figured out and put together in about 30 minutes (and no they aren't giving me anything free to say that). It also needed some bedding. I finally found some super cute gender-neutral stuff at Target. It's being washed now, but as soon as it's on--there will pictures!
We're not sure how well Sweet P will do in her crib and out of our room, but she has already taken a nap in her bed and did great. Stay tuned for how the process goes.
Probably not the best title for the blog, but it'll do.
Approximately a year ago, the Farmer and I saw Sweet P for the first time. She was roughly an inch in size and I was 11 weeks pregnant. I have one of the photos of her in a frame and marvel at how such a tiny thing can be so detailed. About a week before that we had our first appointment with the midwives and found out our due date was May 2nd (which is now Sweet P's birthday). And 6 weeks before that I peed on a stick and handed it to my husband so he could be the first to know.
"What does it say?"
"Preliminary results say, "Yes."
And the whirlwind began. The point to all of this is that around this time last year I received a package from Gammy (my mother). It was a gift for the baby (who at this point was "the baby" because we didn't know if she was a he or a she, yet). I opened it and there sat a tiger costume. This costume was partly for Halloween wear and partly for her to wear to an LSU outing. I wasn't sure she'd get the chance to do the latter.
I was also a little bummed that the Halloween costume choice had somewhat been decided for me. Thankfully, we have more than one Halloween party to go to so I reasoned that it was perfectly fine to buy another costume. Or 2. So now Sweet P will have the chance to be not only a tiger, but a skeleton and a pumpkin. (Oh, there will be pictures). I figure this is the only time in her life that I get to decide the costume (because I'm sure from here on out she will be the boss of the costumes) so my first choice was a pumpkin. The skeleton is just a pink onesie with a skeleton on it.
And she'll definitely get to wear her tiger costume for what it was meant for at Auntie Kandida's swim meet next weekend. Yes, that's right. Sweet P is going on another flight. I'm a little nervous for this one because she's a bit more mobile and opinionated as this point. But I'll keep you posted.
And as far as I'm concerned, there's not much cuter than a baby in a Halloween costume. So what are you (or your kids) going to be for Halloween this year?
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